Friday, October 19, 2007

Another busy day at work. Everyone is going full glad that the weekend is only 10 mins away.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday and alls well

Today has been great. The weather has been fine all day. My son had a birthday party this morning and we all had a wow of a time running around outside. It was hard picking out the children from the adults.

Following this came some watering of the vegie patch. Little sprouts are bringing their heads through the soil surface. It's an wholesome feeling to see the result of such productivity. Can't wait to taste the vegies when they are ready to harvest. They say that homegrown vegies are a real treat for the tastebuds.

This afternoon I've just been watching "The devil wears Prada". Was so immersed in it with headphones that a few times the phone rang and took a while to realize that it wasn't ringing on the film. Meryl Streep as always played a fantastic role. I loved the role too of Emily Blunt. That's the type of person that you could strangle.

Time has ticked on. It is now dark and I can hear my son practicing his music. He is really good. He continues to practice pieces until he gets them right. I love the way that he can play pieces by ear, something that I was never any good at.

My other son, the party boy has been playing with the toys that he received from his party. He is feeling at ease with the world.